Statement of the Problem:
- t0=t1 + t2 + t3, the
total thickness of the package
- sigmaAl=3.57×:107 S/m, the
conductivity of aluminum
- sigmaEpi=10 S/m, the conductivity of the epi-layer
- t2=10× 10-6 m, the thickness of the
- t1, the thickness of the aluminum layer
- sigmaSi, the conductivity of the silicon substrate
The problem shown here is extremely important in fabricating
semiconductor wafers. It is quite difficult to simultaneously measure
aluminum film thicknesses of the order of 560Å and semiconductor
substrate conductivities of the order of 20,000 S/m using conventional
instruments. We have shown that eddy-currents can do this job, by
applying VIC-3D®, together with the same inversion algorithm that
was used in the first example. Indeed, we have shown that one can solve
this problem using either multifrequency or multi-liftoff impedance
measurments. The VIC-3D® module even allows one to compute
sensitivity coefficients and correlation matrices, from which variances
can be computed. These data are useful for determining the stability
of the solution. Our inversion computations showed that one can
determine the film thickness and substrate conductivity accurately,
even in the presence of significant amounts of noise.